Monday, March 23, 2009

Witchy and mommy too? Yes you can do it!

Raising children in a witchy household can be sketchy for most. It's hard to raise children on a witchy path, especially if you haven't broken the news to the rest of the family an want to be discrete to your community. Not everyone is acepting about embracing the path that you are on and prejudices run high on the topic of earthbound religions.Most parents are scared to teach their path to their children in fear that this will unduly change their child's path, or are concerned that they may be teaching their children the wrong things. It's understandable to have these fears and concerns for our littleones. It's our job to teach them well and try to get it right the first time, however, denying sharing your path with your children and letting them explore in your beliefs denies the true intimacy between you and raising your children.Teaching your children that faith is important, no matter your beliefs, gives your children a firm foundation for guidance and guidlines in matters of life. This is the core of every human being. We must have faith in something: Gods, energies, science, nature, etc. This is where life skills are born.We don't reject our parents faith. We reject their expectations to follow their faith. Lack of direction leads to confusion and anger in adult children and if you don't give them some direction for spirituality, grounding and meditation, children will find their own paths blindly, sometimes making disasterous choices and falling into dangerous cults in the atempt to find direction.Explore different religions with your children and guide them to a faith that is best for them. Children want guidance, so discussing the boundries and core beliefs of the household is important. Consistancy in you and your mates path and instilling your values are the key to raising a happy witchlet.Good wide ranged earth based teachings allow for your child to be able to find a suitable faith for themselves to follow in their comming of age. Respect their choices and keep them educated on their chosen path, so they can be sure of their chosen path. A family coven teaches many angles, so let your children know that there is no one way to practice.Encouragement, love and respect for your child's given choices will bring the same love and respect to his home coven teaching and you can rest your mind that your child will be able to come to you for their questions and concerns about their faith instead of a stranger.

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