Monday, March 23, 2009

All or nothing

Startgate log......just kidding.This is my first entry.I am hopefull that this whole venture takes off like a brush fire. I would like people to be comfortable to share without the feelings you get in high school of not being accepted, singled out, punished for your thoughts and experiences, and gand up on. I think we all have enough of that in our lives daily without having to deal with it in a place that should be a safe haven amongst our own kindred.Being a witch can be a complicated life amongst the x-tians. I live very simplified right down to how I build my dwelling. Living simply releases me from the stresses that the mass public usually goes through. Life in general has become so plugged in, over energized, mass brainwashed, forced to accept the unacceptable, and disheartened about the future. This is an atrocity to me.My grandmother, the yogi, once said I was born in the wrong era. My ideals and lifestyle are very antique and out of fashion. I say rather to be out of fashion, than out of touch.The romance of life has been drained. Once upon a time we all spoke like Shakespear, embraced the universe for all the answers to life, and had grace in our movements. Technology is slowly becoming the distruction of our race, and I hope I never see the day that technology takes over the place of man all together. It has its place, but it must be respected as anything else and not heavily relied upon.I will share more of my brain farts as time goes on, and hopefully they catch the eye of someone else, take hold of them and plant a seed, like a dirty thought in a clean mind. (lol)

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