Friday, March 6, 2009

What witches don't know......

It is a shame in this day and age of technology that witches must even struggle to find true and thurough information about the path they choose to lead.
Witches as a society are secretive by nature, and this is understandable based on the history behind us, but there is a new generation of witches before us struggling to find the roots of the wise, without the book mumbo jumbo us seasoned witches can't stand.
I have a real problem with the way that the principles and teachings of Wicca have become so screwed up and fluffied that it has become the microwave, ready to eat version of the true principle of our ancestors. I am not a follower of Wicca, although by my wisdom and practice I am a "wise woman" of the old practices of witchcraft and see that an old way has become polluted with the mainstreams expectations of the Wiccan way.
The old ways of wicca are not so white and fluffy, harm none, and fairy dust. This is the common belief that is spoon-fed to the masses in order to sell a book, get a chuckle, and make a buck at someones ignorance who might truely be interested in following the path, while giving out only a small portion of information about the true scope of the craft and keeping the most intimate secrets. Give me a break!
I follow the old ways of my ancestors to the fullest and have no problems guiding someone on their crooked path, as long as they are dedicated. I don't support the knowledge of Wicca, because I feel that it has become a confussed and even non-traditional path that sets the new witch up for failure and frustration. Life is not simple. Spellcraft is not simple, but it is not as difficult as books would lead you to believe.
Witchcraft is about balance; Balance of energy, justice, thought, health and life; focus of your thoughts, actions and emotions; intent of the mind, body, spirit; and freewill. All three things must be in place in order for your craft to be fruitfull, but through study, focus, dedication, and strong will, anything is possible to achieve. It is all up to you to choose how, why and when you do your workings.
Don't take a books word for it. Be carefull of whom you choose to guide you. Never be afraid to ask questions, and doubt everything and nothing at all. Come visit the forum and feel free to get real information from real people who are living the ways and not just reading about them.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, Spider! Hope you don't mind me adding myself so I can follow it. I'm going to stumble and digg it too.
