Monday, March 23, 2009

Creating a fetch or budwill for your bidding

Historically the practitioner has conjured entities to do bidding of the benevolent nature.Here is an approach to creating a servitor or fetch to do your bidding.To begine, you want to create a framework skeleton for your fetch as this framework you want to incorporate very specific directives or goals for the fetch. The reason for the fetch. Creating a fetch of singular "will" is easier to manage as far as getting your bidding done and absorbing the fetch when you are finished.I start creating my fetches skeleton framework on paper, to give me a focal point. You can also use a poppet as your focal point. I give it life by drawing its' intents of creation, but I flesh it out by placing myself into a deep meditative trance, where only me and my fetch is. I make my space-time a warm, muggy, center earth like environment, with only myself and my fetch.Now look at your fetch, give it movement, form its' skin over the bones, give it organs and whatever it needs to live. Allow the fetch to pulse with life as you breath life into it and become familiar with it. You will be done creating your fetch when you can smell, it, feel it, recall it.Now you must empower the fetch. Allow your consciousness to engulf the fetch. Your energy is its' energy, your breath, your thoughts all are its' thoughts. Spend as much time as you can with the fetch, until it has a life of its' own. Now would be a good time to name your fetch and incorporate rituals specific to the created intent of the fetch. Synch-up with the fetch and giving it simple commands is vital to its life force, because the fetch's life force is your own. When you have created and empowered your fetch, it will be ready to do your bidding immediately, and if you have no bidding at the time, it will hang around waiting to work for you, so have work for it immediately.When you are done with the fetch and no longer need its' bidding, you will want to absorb the fetch, by taking hold of it repeating the commands outload, over and over, while understanding that what was created and fleshed desire was yours all along. It's power was your power, while invisioning the fetch dissolving into energy you will absorbe back into yourself and your fetch will be no more.This is a very powerfull tool, not to mention a difficult one to create, so make sure you are ready. Nobody will see your fetch other than you.

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