Monday, March 23, 2009

Witchy and mommy too? Yes you can do it!

Raising children in a witchy household can be sketchy for most. It's hard to raise children on a witchy path, especially if you haven't broken the news to the rest of the family an want to be discrete to your community. Not everyone is acepting about embracing the path that you are on and prejudices run high on the topic of earthbound religions.Most parents are scared to teach their path to their children in fear that this will unduly change their child's path, or are concerned that they may be teaching their children the wrong things. It's understandable to have these fears and concerns for our littleones. It's our job to teach them well and try to get it right the first time, however, denying sharing your path with your children and letting them explore in your beliefs denies the true intimacy between you and raising your children.Teaching your children that faith is important, no matter your beliefs, gives your children a firm foundation for guidance and guidlines in matters of life. This is the core of every human being. We must have faith in something: Gods, energies, science, nature, etc. This is where life skills are born.We don't reject our parents faith. We reject their expectations to follow their faith. Lack of direction leads to confusion and anger in adult children and if you don't give them some direction for spirituality, grounding and meditation, children will find their own paths blindly, sometimes making disasterous choices and falling into dangerous cults in the atempt to find direction.Explore different religions with your children and guide them to a faith that is best for them. Children want guidance, so discussing the boundries and core beliefs of the household is important. Consistancy in you and your mates path and instilling your values are the key to raising a happy witchlet.Good wide ranged earth based teachings allow for your child to be able to find a suitable faith for themselves to follow in their comming of age. Respect their choices and keep them educated on their chosen path, so they can be sure of their chosen path. A family coven teaches many angles, so let your children know that there is no one way to practice.Encouragement, love and respect for your child's given choices will bring the same love and respect to his home coven teaching and you can rest your mind that your child will be able to come to you for their questions and concerns about their faith instead of a stranger.

Drams conversion for spellcraft

Ever recieve an old spell from a relative or friend and it is written in measurments you have never seen before?
I run into this problem quite frequently, and it can drive you batty if you don't know the conversions, so here is a list for you to keep handy in your papers, kust in case the time should arive that you might need it.

Drams Conversion
1/8 fl. oz = 1 dram = 1/2 tsp. plus 1/8 tsp.
1/4 fl. oz = 2 drams = 1/2 tbsp.
1/2 fl. oz = 4 drams = 1 tbsp.
3/4 fl. oz. = 6 drams = 1 tbsp. plus
1/2 tbsp.1 fl. oz = 8 drams = 2 tbsp.

Stone safety in spellcraft

Using stones in spellcraft is nothing new, but if you intend on using them in elixirs or potions for ingestion and topical usage, then you really need to read my post on stone and gem safety in spellcraft. Not all stones are safe to work with and can be quite poisonous if not fatal to use as an ingestable elixir.
Make sure you take caution with any object when using it in spellcraft. The biggest thing to remember about spellcraft is to know your ingredients and their properties through and through.

Preserving your blood for spellcraft

For those of us who are weenies when it comes to shedding a little drop of blood for use in a spell here's a good solution I use myself:-Next time you shed blood, make sure to collect a little extra on a tea plate and spread it thin on the plate so that it can dry completely out well.-Once the blood is completely dry, use a razor blade to scrape the blood off of the plate into a fine powder.-When all of the blood is scraped off of the plate, carefully tap the powdered contents onto a piece of waxpaper, or regular paper, now roll the paper into a funnel shape, so you can easily funnel this collection into a tiny jar for future use.Now when you need blood for a spellworking, then you can use the tiniest amount anytime you want by just replenishing your collection every now and then.

All or nothing

Startgate log......just kidding.This is my first entry.I am hopefull that this whole venture takes off like a brush fire. I would like people to be comfortable to share without the feelings you get in high school of not being accepted, singled out, punished for your thoughts and experiences, and gand up on. I think we all have enough of that in our lives daily without having to deal with it in a place that should be a safe haven amongst our own kindred.Being a witch can be a complicated life amongst the x-tians. I live very simplified right down to how I build my dwelling. Living simply releases me from the stresses that the mass public usually goes through. Life in general has become so plugged in, over energized, mass brainwashed, forced to accept the unacceptable, and disheartened about the future. This is an atrocity to me.My grandmother, the yogi, once said I was born in the wrong era. My ideals and lifestyle are very antique and out of fashion. I say rather to be out of fashion, than out of touch.The romance of life has been drained. Once upon a time we all spoke like Shakespear, embraced the universe for all the answers to life, and had grace in our movements. Technology is slowly becoming the distruction of our race, and I hope I never see the day that technology takes over the place of man all together. It has its place, but it must be respected as anything else and not heavily relied upon.I will share more of my brain farts as time goes on, and hopefully they catch the eye of someone else, take hold of them and plant a seed, like a dirty thought in a clean mind. (lol)

Creating a fetch or budwill for your bidding

Historically the practitioner has conjured entities to do bidding of the benevolent nature.Here is an approach to creating a servitor or fetch to do your bidding.To begine, you want to create a framework skeleton for your fetch as this framework you want to incorporate very specific directives or goals for the fetch. The reason for the fetch. Creating a fetch of singular "will" is easier to manage as far as getting your bidding done and absorbing the fetch when you are finished.I start creating my fetches skeleton framework on paper, to give me a focal point. You can also use a poppet as your focal point. I give it life by drawing its' intents of creation, but I flesh it out by placing myself into a deep meditative trance, where only me and my fetch is. I make my space-time a warm, muggy, center earth like environment, with only myself and my fetch.Now look at your fetch, give it movement, form its' skin over the bones, give it organs and whatever it needs to live. Allow the fetch to pulse with life as you breath life into it and become familiar with it. You will be done creating your fetch when you can smell, it, feel it, recall it.Now you must empower the fetch. Allow your consciousness to engulf the fetch. Your energy is its' energy, your breath, your thoughts all are its' thoughts. Spend as much time as you can with the fetch, until it has a life of its' own. Now would be a good time to name your fetch and incorporate rituals specific to the created intent of the fetch. Synch-up with the fetch and giving it simple commands is vital to its life force, because the fetch's life force is your own. When you have created and empowered your fetch, it will be ready to do your bidding immediately, and if you have no bidding at the time, it will hang around waiting to work for you, so have work for it immediately.When you are done with the fetch and no longer need its' bidding, you will want to absorb the fetch, by taking hold of it repeating the commands outload, over and over, while understanding that what was created and fleshed desire was yours all along. It's power was your power, while invisioning the fetch dissolving into energy you will absorbe back into yourself and your fetch will be no more.This is a very powerfull tool, not to mention a difficult one to create, so make sure you are ready. Nobody will see your fetch other than you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What witches don't know......

It is a shame in this day and age of technology that witches must even struggle to find true and thurough information about the path they choose to lead.
Witches as a society are secretive by nature, and this is understandable based on the history behind us, but there is a new generation of witches before us struggling to find the roots of the wise, without the book mumbo jumbo us seasoned witches can't stand.
I have a real problem with the way that the principles and teachings of Wicca have become so screwed up and fluffied that it has become the microwave, ready to eat version of the true principle of our ancestors. I am not a follower of Wicca, although by my wisdom and practice I am a "wise woman" of the old practices of witchcraft and see that an old way has become polluted with the mainstreams expectations of the Wiccan way.
The old ways of wicca are not so white and fluffy, harm none, and fairy dust. This is the common belief that is spoon-fed to the masses in order to sell a book, get a chuckle, and make a buck at someones ignorance who might truely be interested in following the path, while giving out only a small portion of information about the true scope of the craft and keeping the most intimate secrets. Give me a break!
I follow the old ways of my ancestors to the fullest and have no problems guiding someone on their crooked path, as long as they are dedicated. I don't support the knowledge of Wicca, because I feel that it has become a confussed and even non-traditional path that sets the new witch up for failure and frustration. Life is not simple. Spellcraft is not simple, but it is not as difficult as books would lead you to believe.
Witchcraft is about balance; Balance of energy, justice, thought, health and life; focus of your thoughts, actions and emotions; intent of the mind, body, spirit; and freewill. All three things must be in place in order for your craft to be fruitfull, but through study, focus, dedication, and strong will, anything is possible to achieve. It is all up to you to choose how, why and when you do your workings.
Don't take a books word for it. Be carefull of whom you choose to guide you. Never be afraid to ask questions, and doubt everything and nothing at all. Come visit the forum and feel free to get real information from real people who are living the ways and not just reading about them.